Wednesday, 27 January 2016

I am my favourite....

I am my favorite.....

 Self-love is universal, and we all love ourselves.....there is no oddity in this statement. But in the hustle and bustle of life sometimes we even suppress this feeling of ours. In the stable regime of life; many 'loves'  step over our self-love. Love for the spouse, love for kids, love for mundane and materialistic  things predominantly curb 'dear self.'

But exceptions are always there.....and I am fortunate to have one in my family, not only she epitomizes self-love but has in abundance for others as well.  She cradled her kids with perfection, flattered and nurtured her better half with devotion, kept her home as a revered institution but in the process never held herself in the back seat. It's none other than my dear MIL. 

I am in awe of her self-glory ever since I got married, and always wondered how could somebody be so devoted to oneself. 

But the stream of life never flows unidirectionally. Lately, she met with an accident and laid in ICU for a month. We all were emotionally drained to see her with half of her bones broken, but she kept her spirits high, and I even saw her exercising in the semiconscious condition. She came out of ICU with a vengeance . Hours of physiotherapy, best of diet and above all passion for being back in her placid disposition got her back on her own feet in a months time. 

She proved self-love is the great miracle cure. It enlightened me so much so that from now on I am also going to love 'ME' the most and I am also going to be my favorite. 

Jokes apart but really a lesson to be learned ......we all came alone we all will go alone, so we have to take care of ourselves alone, no one can substitute that.  Someone very rightly said:

So love urself in abundance !!!!!!

Sunday, 3 January 2016

From the other side of the window

Aging is a gradual process of life ......easy to say,  hard to experience. Even harder when you see our parents going through this.  Though at this age, I am blessed with two set of parents, and I thank Almighty every day that I am being showered upon with their love, wisdom, and protection. Aura of their presence shields me in a cocoon where I can nestle till the time I want to without any fear and insecurity.

But life takes its toll. In the past, I have seen all my four parents from the other side of the window in ICU. Their moist eyes, helpless faces, feeble bodies and the desire to be cocooned had been the most taxing experience of my life. 

At that moment though I wanted to hold them as tight as I could but was weakest deep inside. It is harsh to see your epitome of strength growing frail, but that's what life is.

If life was a reversible process, I think each one of us would have loved to be inside the silken cocoon of love and compassion woven by our parents forever end ever. But nature wants this world to be full of colors and more beautiful. So at one stage or the another, we all have to come out of this cocoon and do our bit. Love you parents beyond words!